7th Grade - Cones


  • A cone is a three-dimensional (solid) figure having a circular base and a pointed edge at the top called the vertex.
  • A right circular cone is similar to a regular pyramid except that its base is a circle.

  • The altitude of a right circular cone h is the measure of the perpendicular line segment joining the vertex and the center of the base.
  • The slant height l of a right circular cone is the measure of the line segment joining the vertex and any point on the circumference of the base.
  • The mathematical relationship between the altitude, the radius of the base, and slant height is given by: l=r2+h2.
  • The area of the base is B=πr2.

Volume of a Cone

  • The volume (capacity) of a cone is the amount of space occupied by it in a three-dimensional plane. 
  • The volume of a cone is measured in cubic units.
  • If we know the radius of the base and altitude of a right circular cone, its volume can be calculated using the formula mentioned below.

Volumecone=13πr2h where π=2273.14r=the radius of the base, and h=altitude

Surface Area of a Cone

  • There are two types of surface areas associated with a right circular cone.

1. Lateral Area: It is the region occupied by the curved surface of the right circular cone.

LAcone=πrl, where r=the radius of the base, and l=slant height

2. Total Area: It is the total area occupied by a right circular cone, including the base area. 


=πrl + πr2

=πrl+r, where B=the area of the base

Solved Examples

Question 1: Find the volume of a right circular cone if the radius of its base is 4 cm and its altitude is 15 cm.

Solution: Volumecone=13πr2h


=80π cm3


Question 2: Find the lateral area of a right circular cone in terms of π if the radius of its base is 3 ft and the altitude is 4 ft.

Solution: First we need to find the measure of slant height.

l=r2+h2=32+42=25=5 ft



=15π ft2


Question 3: Find the total surface area of a right circular cone if radius is 3 m and the slant height is15 m.

Solution: TAcone=πrl+r



=54π m2

Cheat Sheet

  • Area of the base, B=πr2
  • Relation between the radius of the base, height, and slant height: l=r2+h2
  • Volumecone=13πr2h
  • Lateral Surface Area, LAcone=πrl
  • Total Surface Area, TAcone=LAcone+B=πrl+r

Blunder Areas

  • The volume of the cone = 13volume of the cylinder.
  • All the formulas mentioned in the above sections are applicable to right circular cones only.