7th Grade - Adjacent & Vertical Angles

Adjacent Angles

  • Adjacent Angles are two angles with a shared side and a common vertex.
  • For example, in the diagram shown below, ABD and DBC are adjacent angles.

  • If the sum of a pair of adjacent angles is 90°, then they are complementary to each other.
  • If the sum of a pair of adjacent angles is 180°, then they are supplementary to each other.

Vertical Angles

  • The pairs of opposite angles formed by intersecting lines are called Vertical Angles or Vertically Opposite Angles.
  • For example, in the diagram shown below, a and b are vertical angles, and so are c and d.

  • Vertical angles are always congruent. Hence, in the diagram above ma=mb, and mc=md.

Solved Examples

Question 1: Find the measure of AOD, if BOC=125°.

Solution: AOD=BOC vertical angles



Question 2: In the figure shown below, find the measure of ABD.

Solution: ABD=ABC+CBD=50°+40°=90°

Cheat Sheet

  • Two angles having the same vertex and a common side between them are called Adjacent Angles.
  • A pair of adjacent angles can be complementary or supplementary angles.
  • Vertical angles are pairs of opposite angles formed by intersecting lines.
  • Vertical angles are always equal in measure.

Blunder Areas

  • Vertical angles always are congruent.
  • Vertical angles cannot be adjacent angles.
  • Congruent angles have the same degree measure.